Alexandrian scientist Claudius Ptolemaeus (90 – 168 AD.) was the first geographer to attempt a description of the world by way of cartographic presentation. His Geographia, including 26 maps or numbered tables, was a considerable achievement at the time. The work provided mathematical foundations for creating maps, and listed known rivers, peoples and settlements, giving their terrestrial coordinates. In order to collect so many data, Ptolemy co-operated with other scientists and made use of the works by his predecessors, such as his teacher Marios of Tyre. The presentation of Polish territories on the maps appended to the Geographia was far from perfect. Ptolemy called that part of the word SARMATIA, which referred to lands inhabited by Sanna-tians, or tribes of Pers sian origin. Later, in 15th – 18th centuries, many writers considered Sarmatians to be forefathers of Polish nobility.